“Coherent writing not only keeps your readers engaged, for instance. It can turn them into paying customers for your products if they know what they’re reading.”

Easy To Read

easy to read grammar

Easy to read writing makes reading enjoyable and easy to follow. Writing that is comprehendible is easy to understand word for word. However, on many occasions what the writer intended to put on paper simply did not come out as it was meant to be. I know from personal experience, when I am in the middle of reading an article, and the writer just goes off point. This is the worst kind of feeling anyone in their right mind would want to go through. For businesses providing any sort of services or products, this can be a total sales killer. Writing that is easy to read not only keeps your readers engaged, for instance. It can turn them into paying customers for your products if they know what they’re reading.


Easy To ReadPhoto by cottonbro from Pexels

Writing should be easily discernible when reading.

Clearly written articles and blogs do make a world of difference, but it is how you convey your message that brings about success in your writing. For writers just wanting to educate readers on the process of achieving something, they too must write just as clearly. The key here is to be effective in delivering your message without any confusion. Clarity is key when writing for an audience, especially if you intend to influence your reader in any way. Sentences do not necessarily have to be short to be understood, but a lengthy sentence must have the correct usage of punctuation and stay on message. The last thing a writer wants to do is lose their reader when the writing seems to build on something.


Easy To Read

Why Your Writing Should be Simplified?

It’s this falling off the cliff mentality that brings to mind why writing should be simplistic for your readers. Using punctuation marks correctly, avoiding run-on sentences that never seem to end, and comma splices that make no sense in the world can hurt your writing. When we write something, and stay on point, and use punctuation marks sensibly, our writing becomes easily decipherable. There is no need to write in complex ways, where you will eventually lose your reader. Keep it simple, interesting, informative, and most of all easy to read.